Jake on Tape
Podcasts with Jake Stratton-Kent • 2015-2022
May 2015 - Hermetic Hour
On Thursday May 21st, 2015 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present an interview with British author and magician Jake Stratton-Kent. Jake Stratton-Kent is especially noted for his defense and support of the Goetic aspect of ceremonial magick and his research linking this practice to the deities and oracles of ancient Greek mythology, especially the denizens of the underworld or Tartarus ruled by Hades or Pluto. He is more partial to the Grimorium Verum than the Goetia or Lesser Key of Solomon although he stresses that both are essentially Goetic from the ancient Greek word “goês” meaning a necromancer. So if you want to meet a master of art magical, tune in and spend an hour with maestro Jake Stratton-Kent.
August 2016 - Rune Soup
This week we speak to the one and only Jake Stratton-Kent. Author, researcher, grimoire specialist, raconteur... a man of many hats. (He also has some nice hats.) Topics of discussion include the state of the world, the benefits of an apocalypse, itinerant magic, the origins of Goetia and the personalities of the grimoirists.
January 2017 - Rune Soup
This week we welcome back to the show none other than Jake Stratton-Kent to talk about his latest book, Pandemonium: A Discordant Concordance of Diverse Spirit Catalogues. We also talk implicit and explicit ritual structure, the origins of spirit catalogues, how to think usefully about hierarchy and a whole lot more. A splendid chat.
June 2017 - Glitchbottle
Today on the Glitch Bottle podcast we are so excited to welcome Magician, author, scholar and grimoiric firebrand Mr. Jake Stratton-Kent. It would be fair to call Jake a ‘Renaissance man’, but that would actually be doing a disservice by limiting the scope and interest of Jake’s work to just the Renaissance. His interest in magic spans the ancient, medieval, renaissance, and modern eras as well as stretching from the West to the Middle East and crucially, the New World. Jake’s been a goetic magician since 1972, making more than forty years of continuous goetic practice. His practical work integrates the magical papyri, italo-french grimoires in particular the Grimorium Verum and various African traditional religions. In this podcast, Jake shares about his take on the actual roots of goetic magic, what most magicians get wrong while approaching magic, and where he thinks magic in the 21st century is going. We also discuss the Grimoirum Verum and what this term ‘magesplaining’ is all about, and more.
May 2018 - Glitchbottle
Magician, author, scholar and grimoiric firebrand - Mr. Jake Stratton-Kent - returns to the Glitch Bottle podcast. He shares his thoughts on the proto-Grimorium Verum text - the “Ars Rabidmadar. We also explore the concepts of thwarting angels, Ritual Offerings, and the real importance of the first planetary hour of each planetary day. Jake also shares his thoughts on ‘Cunningman Magic’ versus ‘Ritual Magic’ and drops some hints on what he might be working on with future projects.
September 2018 - Thelema Now!
Jake Stratton-Kent has been a goetic magician since 1972, making more than forty years of continuous goetic practice. His practical work integrates the magical papyri, Italo-French grimoires in particular the Grimorium Verum and African traditional religions with a focus on Quimbanda and magia negra. His interest in magic spans the ancient, medieval, renaissance, and modern as well as stretching from the West to the Middle East and crucially, the New World.
November 2020 - Thelema Now
A Thelma Now favorite is back! Jake Stratton-Kent has been a goetic magician since 1972, making more than forty years of continuous goetic practice. His practical work integrates the magical papyri, Italo-French grimoires, in particular, the Grimorium Verum and African traditional religions with a focus on Quimbanda and magia negra.
May 2021 - Thoth-Hermes
In this episode Rudolf welcomes legendary Jake Stratton-Kent who is one of the most knowledgeable authors and practitioners of grimoire magic and has been called the most notorious necromancer in England. Jake describes himself as a ‘very late Late Pagan’ which is a reference to his focus on the historical time where late Paganism overlaps with the early church period forming a fascinating and nurturing soil for magic as we think of it these days. Rudolf and Jake dive into the effectiveness of magic in general, necromancy and its significance, recommended sources, how being ‘fashionable’ in magic might lead to blind spots, how ‘bad reputation’ doesn’t necessarily mean ‘bad’ and whether or not respectability should be part of a magician’s vocabulary.
September 2021 - Glitchbottle
What does it mean to forge an authentic, idiosyncratic magical practice from the myriad of new grimoiric research and publications dotting the landscape in the last 20 years? What are the key elements that make magical ritual work? Magician, author, scholar and grimoiric firebrand, Jake Stratton Kent, discusses these themes in his newest book from Hadean Press, “The Sworn and Secret Grimoire.”
April 2022 - Chthonic Conversations
This month's entry in the Conversations series is with Jake Stratton Kent, who is well known for his writings on ancient goetia, particularly their relationship to the grimoire traditions. Jake's work is an invaluable exploration into pre-Platonic beliefs and magical practices. In this episode Jake and I talk about the different "versions" of Hecate in ancient times, questioning the idea that she wasn't always a chthonic deity. This includes a discussion of goetia, Hecate's association with Apollo, the Athenian Hecate, and the challenge of the more current interpretations of the goddess.
March 2023 - Rune Soup
Alkistis Dimech and Peter Grey of Scarlet Imprint return to the show for an exploration and celebration of Jake Stratton-Kent. In particular his thought, his research and his impact on the western magical world. We discuss:
His generosity as a thought leader.
His attitude to academia and academics.
His role in the return of spirit-centric approaches to the grimoires.
His revitalisation of blue grimoires.
His understanding and love of the Ancient and Archaic Greek world.
"I don't do angels."
His championing of practice over theorising.
His role as a key participant in the return of the Dead to contemporary western magical practice.