Materia Goêtica

Study Materials on
Chthonic Sorcery

Materia Goêtica

The essence of goêteia is taught to each one of us by the spirits we work with. The outlines of the craft, however, can be taken from books and recordings. We live in a world where the personal apprentice relationship is no longer a viable option for most, partly due to the absence of competent teachers and mainly due to the demands of the mundane lives we all face. As such, the following books present good jumping off points for your own explorations in chthonic sorcery. Jake Stratton Kent’s work is clearly liminal and essential in this respect, and so are his podcast recordings which I have consolidated here for easier access.

Please note, some of my own works such as Clavis Goêtica and Goêtic Atavisms are currently out of print. Together with fresh new material they are in the capable bands of my friends at Scarlet Imprint, who are preparing them for an upcoming release in early 2025 as Collectanea Goetica.

The Rooted Flame is an upcoming essay, which expands on two blogposts. In times of adversity, it’s easy to surrender. This essay is a call to rise, to see hardship not as defeat but as a necessary chapter of an unfolding story. A personal reckoning inspired by my family’s ties to Auschwitz, it’s both a manifesto and an offering — inviting us to restore balance and walk forward with peace.

Other Books by Frater Acher

The above works are of explicit chthonic nature. Beyond that, I have published on the tradition of the Holy Daimon, the magical works of Johannes Trithemius and Paracelsus, as well as other related subjects.

It still seems important to emphasize that there is no contradiction between so-called celestial and chthonic magic. However, I do see a contradiction between classical Gnostic literature, i.e. works that despise the physical world and aim at transcendental rescue, and magical approaches that affirm and positively embrace the physical world. All of my books fall into the latter of these two categories. I might be a Saturnian magician, but also as an unruly joyful person. Both influence how I work with spirits and approach life.

“He who followeth the angels followeth his father. He who learneth from the spirits learneth from his father. He who knoweth the beasts knoweth himself. He who understandeth the elements knoweth how the macrocosm is created.”

— Paracelsus